Préalable à la gouvernance des sociétés en Russie – la transparence !

Cet article écrit par Georges Ugeux, professeur associé à Columbia Law School, et publié dans, montre clairement que la Russie doit opérer d’importants changements culturels afin d’accroître la transparence à tous les niveaux de la société. La gouvernance corporative ne peut être dissociée de la gouvernance politique du pays ! Il s’agit ici d’un bref compte rendu d’une conférence sur la gouvernance organisée par la National Council on Corporate Governance de Russie.

Can Russia Achieve Corporate Governance?

Russia trip, Apr 2008 - 72
Russia trip, Apr 2008 – 72 (Photo credit: Ed Yourdon)

« The reality is that we are afraid of transparency. We still feel uncomfortable with it and have to ask ourselves why. Without a clear understanding of the fundamental uneasiness of governments and corporations, we cannot expect to implement a credible execution problem. The reasons for that fear include direct financial advantage, information retention, lack of financial education, power, and many others…. Russia’s credibility in corporate governance cannot be dissociated from the political governance of the country, where the last few years saw more repression of liberties and less transparency…. In the end, Russia will have to decide the path for its progress in that matter. This path leads directly to the Kremlin: Whether he likes it or not, Vladimir Putin cannot remain deaf to the growing voice of those who want the country to reform itself. It is as much his challenge as it is a corporate challenge ».